Re[4]: test-don't read

Steve Lamb
Sun, 25 Jul 1999 05:56:56 -0700

Hash: SHA1

Sunday, July 25, 1999, 5:44:52 AM, wrote:

> And what the heck is "The Bat!"? I'm not used to seeing your messages
> unsigned. Is that really you Steve?

    Well, let's see if this signing works.  If nothing else, you can always
look at the headers from my messages.  I don't think anyone else would be able
to send from considering where it is (private IP space).

    The Bat! is an email client for Windows from Ritlabs (
That has the same basic feel of PMMail but has features that PMMail does not.
Unfortauntely it also has some little annoyances.  Doesn't do PGP as well as
PMMail does, has that annoying "Re[?]:" counter, doesn't have the ability to
call external programs on filters, cannot call an external editor, and other
UI issues which get me to somewhat cringe.

    OTOH, it has templates, per folder settings up the wazoo, has at least
some basic IMAP functionality in it even if it doesn't do it correctly at all,
claims to do threading but I've yet to see that in action since I've not
gotten a significant amount of mail from my Debian lists to judge, has
on-the-fly spell checking and database style message bases

    Something of 6 of 1, 1/2 dozen of the other.

    Ritlabs also seems to update The Bat! very regularly.  In the time that
I've been following it from v1.2x to the current v1.34 to see if they would
ever get the IMAP implimentation correct they have been releasing updates
about once every 1-2 months.

- -- 
Steve C. Lamb
Testing new software, weeee....

Version: PGP 6.0.2i
