Proper threading?

Dr. Martin R. Hadam Dr. Martin R. Hadam" <
Tue, 08 Jun 1999 14:27:47 +0100

On Tue, 08 Jun 1999 13:53:08 +0200 (CDT), Achim Baehr wrote:

>I can't aggree: the messages replied and my own stay where
>they belong to, they are --not-- sorted to the ned of the list, but
>maybe this is a problem of the old version of PMMail you are
>using: Ver 1.96. I do not observe the behaviour you mention
>above, using PMMail/2 Ver. 2.00.1500.

 well, I've not upgraded so far  because I'm heavily depending on a
functional PMMAIL ("never change a running system"), since I'm
organizing an international Workshop and a national meeting which both
absolutely depend on pmmail for processing email from forms etc. Hence
no change at this moment. 

 But I've checked the demo I have here (v2.00.1500) right away and it's
the same situation (this is on Warp Server SMP at FP36 in case there is
any influence of this).

>btw. this reply is sent at GMT 11.51 +200 (i.e. 13..51 local time,
>MESZ in Germany), written "before" your message dated 14.24.29
>local time....

 maybe it's all because I'm living in a different time zone .... <bg>

 Martin R. Hadam
 Kinderklinik - Medizinische Hochschule
 D-30623 Hannover