Splitting out PMMail

Steve Lamb pmmail@rpglink.com
Wed, 30 Jun 1999 10:28:52 -0700

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 30 Jun 1999 13:23:17 -0400, Ken Diehl wrote:

>I wouldn't have a problem with this particularly the PGP.  While I use the
>editor I could do with an external of my own choice.  So I guess that makes
>two.  Oh! - you did say "about".  :)

    Yup.  My proposal to Bob and Ike was this.  Drop the editor in favor of a
decent external editor.  Either bundle with some low cost commercial one or
with something GPLed.  As long as they provide the code to the editor, it
should be kosher to have their product call it externally.  This gives them a
better editor and reduces the programming load on them.

    Then remove the spell checker and replace it with aspell which is LGPL'd.
No offense to Bob & Ike, but the spell checker sucks rocks.  I much prefer
ispell, which is no longer supported, and aspell, which is the replacement
ispell.  Since aspell is LGPL'd they can legally link to it.  I also think,
again, that they can distribute it provided they make the source accessable.
This, again, gives us a better product while reducing the programming
responsibilities of them.

    Finally, remove PGP.  When the SDK intergration was first put in I was in
love with the idea.  But now I'm not since the SDK they use is behind the
current release and there is a move afoot in some of the communities that I
a part of to switch to to GPG signing instead of PGP.  The PGP SDK will never
support GPG.  In fact, GPG signatures crash the SDK that is currently used.

- -- 
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
- -------------------------------+---------------------------------------------

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