PMMail for multiple users?
Alexander Wagner
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 10:45:58 +0100
On Mon, 8 Mar 1999, Marcus J. Ertl wrote:
> We would like to use pmmail on an computer in a novell-network! But we would like to let pmmail use users homedir for accountdatas! Is there a way to do it
> this way?
I don't know how you can do it on Novell, but I use that setup on an OS/2 Warp Server. Here I configure User-Homedir as Z:. May bee it's similar on Novel, or you've something like \\server\user\myhome etc. All you need to run PMMail with user homedir is to create an object (are we talking of PMMail or of the Win-Port?)which get's Z:\pmmail as parameter. Copy all files from PMMail except EXE and DLL, Help etc. to that dir and it will work nicely. As I said I use it every day.
On any questions please mail.
Alexander Wagner
-=[Team OS/2 Franken]=-
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