Fwd: Reducing disk usage?

Steve Lamb PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 20:42:42 -0800

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On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 20:35:14 -0800, Lance Hegamin wrote:

>>    As opposed to what, Word, where they don't let you see the control codes?

>The control codes are the very arrogance of which I speak!

    So you don't want to see why your formatting is screwed up?  Odd, that
suggests you don't want to get work done.

>>    Funny, all of those are compatible.

>Completely?  Or only partially?  Without conversion?  Without having to
>remember to save in a special format?

    Applix and Star Office both load and save Word format, among others.

>None that I can recall.  And lately, I've had more reboots with one of
>my OS/2 boxes than I've had with 'doze.


>>    Now, plese, define "works".

>Applications I can use and not have to relearn keystrokes for each
>different site at which I may have an assignment.  Applications I can
>be productive in.  The application should SUPPORT the assignment, not
>be an ends of its own.

    Then you're looking at the wrong platform, bub, because Windows isn't
it.  Ge, each place I go to I have the same keystrokes because I can define
the editor I use instead of have to learn a new internal one.  Applications
that support the assignment...  You mean like, say, IE being intergrated to
lock out Netscape?  Oh, wait, that is an ends of its own.  *plonk*

- --
         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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