Fwd: Reducing disk usage?
Steve Lamb
Tue, 9 Mar 1999 21:48:00 -0800
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On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 20:52:48 -0800, Lance Hegamin wrote:
>> So you don't want to see why your formatting is screwed up? Odd, that
>>suggests you don't want to get work done.
>When I used WimP, the control codes got in the way, especially the need
>to have them on to see what was screwed up. I'm not going to say more,
>as it would be counter productive and possibly personal!
Funny, last one I saw let you turn on and off the display of the control
BTW, you are aware how foolish you sound considering Word has the very
same control codes, they just don't show them to you and, IIRC, do not
provide a way to view them. So in Word you're left with indirect
observation to decipher why a documented isn't formatted correctly whereas
with WP and the display of the codes, you have direct observation of what is
going wrong.
>> Applix and Star Office both load and save Word format, among others.
>Transparently? And everything is done the same way -- keystrokes, etc.
You learned one application, you can learn another. It is called
"training" and you do it every day of your life whether you admit to it or
>Strange. I'm looking around and don't see you here, so I can't tell
>how you'd know. I've had system lockups with OS/2, requiring the CAD
>combination. I've had to kill programs in WIN98, but never a reboot,
>in this same period of time. YMMV.
I know because I know of the problems in Windows which, when a system is
in constant use, REQUIRES someone to reboot about once a week. I put my
machines through heavy use and I need to reboot every 2-3 days or my
machines are no longer functional. And it is all SOFTWARE related, not
hardware, as I've seen the exact same systems across 6 systems (minimum)
with 6 different sets of hardware.
>I consider that a personal attack, BTW.
Consider it what you will, when you tell the truth and I call you a liar
then it will be a personal attack. Until then, I'm just catching you in a
bold-faced lie and utter bullshitting.
>> Then you're looking at the wrong platform, bub, because Windows isn't
>>it. Ge, each place I go to I have the same keystrokes because I can define
>>the editor I use instead of have to learn a new internal one.
>Editor? I was speaking of a word processor.
Right, and what is the core of a word processor but an editor. Oooo,
you're editing HTML, it is still editing. Oooo, you're editing LaTex, it is
still an EDITOR.
>>Applications that support the assignment... You mean like, say, IE being
>>intergrated to lock out Netscape? Oh, wait, that is an ends of its own.
>No comment.
Hmmm.. Oh, wait, no comment because I changed the subject. OK. You
mean like, say, Office 2000 which comes on *6* CDs. That sounds like an end
of its own, don't you think? The only other software I know of that takes
up that many CDs in a single package are games with megs and megs of full
motion video!
>version? Isn't the bottom line who buys the product, not, unfortunately,
>how good it is?
Then explain why Linux is doing so well. Oh, it would be that alternate
model where the bottom line is removed.
>But I suspect we are off topic, and this is it for me.
So be it. Now, before speaking up again, educate yourself beyond the FUD.
- --
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls.
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