One for the PMMail suggestion list
Bruce A. Mallett
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 11:51:55 -0500
I need the capability to mail to a GROUP but have that group always
appear in the BCC, not in the TO or the CC lists.
I am careful to protect people's email addresses. All too often when
someone finds something funny they email it to their humor list (come
on now: admit it ... we all have a HUMOR list). These email addresses
tend to accumulate as msgs get forwarded.
I *try* to always use BCC when I send to my HUMOR list so that no
one gets a list of all the other Email addresses. However (much to
my chagrin) every once in a while I forget to hit the CC button (to change
it to BCC) and WHOOPS! Out goes my entire email list.
In the meantime, perhaps someone knows a way to do this with REXX?