Mail clients in Linux

Steve Scotten PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Fri, 19 Mar 1999 14:38:23 -0800

On Thu, 4 Feb 1999 14:53:52 -0500, Robert Novitskey wrote:

>No.  I am one of several people who happens to think that Java at
>this stage is a *bad* development platform.  You must curtail your
>feature set to the speed constraints applied by the platform.  Right
>now, the performance just isn't there.

I dunno. That heinous Italian Java PMMail-ripoff ran OK on my 166 mHz machine.
Cartainly *faster* than the PMMail I fell in love with on my 66 mHz 486 OS/2
machine. If that level of performace was good enough four years ago, it should
be now that 400 mHz Pentium IIs cost less than what 66 mHz 486s cost 4 years

I just don't see it. Forgive my impudence, as I really shouldn't presume to tell
you what you should do. But I'm in the process of abandoning PMMail because it
doesn't exist on my chosen platform. I want fewer ties to Windows, not more. I'd
gladly pay for a Java version that doesn't run as fast as a native version.

But that's just me.


hope ($all eq 'well') {

sub Steve {
        $name = 'Steven M. Scotten';
        $email = 'splicer\';
        return ("\"$name\" <$email>");