problem was: (null)

Roger Lindmark PMMAIL Discussion List <PMMAIL-L@VM.EGE.EDU.TR>
Wed, 5 May 1999 00:05:35 +0200

On Tue, 4 May 1999 12:32:51 -0500, Robb Selby wrote:

>Then the following Rexx Script should edit the file AND delete the Bag
>file, just leaving the reindexing.  But, it still does not work.  For
>some reason I still end up with the (null) subject, and I've double
>checked that the BAG file is really erased.
>/* MsgEdit.cmd
>   Edit email message using System Editor.
>   Written by:  Kris Sorem, Sr
>   email:
>   Added to by Robb Selby.
>/* Load Rexx Functions */
>Call RxFuncAdd 'SysLoadFuncs','RexxUtil','SysLoadFuncs'
>Call SysLoadFuncs
>/* Get command line parameters */
>parse arg Fname
>/* Get current directory of Message file */
>Curdir=FILESPEC(path, Fname)
>/* Create path and filename of Folder.bag */
>/* Delete Bagfile */
>/* Edit message with EPM */
>'epm.exe' Fname
>Results the same, the subject does not get changed.  I'm baffled.

I have not tested your REXX-script, but I got identical result with the
earlier REXX-script. I have also deleted .BAG file, but I see still
null in the folder view. I have also deleted the folder.ini and third
file (*.UCT) but it did not change things.

Sincerely Yours


 ** TagIt/2 v2.0.1 **

... Keep enough money on hand to bribe a policeman.

    - Forrest Gump