Politics (Was: Another New Feature Request)
Steve Lamb
Wed, 10 Nov 1999 09:23:31 -0800
Tuesday, November 09, 1999, 6:11:59 PM, Darin wrote:
> a) you are the owner, and thus any moderator, should there be one,
> would have a hard time asking you to kick yourself off.
Actually quite easy. We are in a public medium and while the
technicalities agree with you, public support does not. If a moderator were
to be in place and told me to chill out, publicly, and I did not, everyone
would see that. If I were then "kicked off" the list, what could I do? If I
continue to post it shows me unfit, really, to administer the list since I've
then abused my authority. If I take preemptive steps and "remove" the
moderator, again, it would be known to the public and again I would be proven
unfit to run the technical aspects of the list because I have demonstrated an
abuse of power.
That is why I go to great pains to nip any assertion that I have or would
abuse the power that I have. It just simply isn't going to happen and if it
does I'll be the first person to make a request to move the list.
No matter what people may think of me as a person, my opinions or my often
verbose and brash manner I don't think anyone can say that I have done
anything, as administrator of this and several other lists, which has not been
backed up by a valid technical reason.
> Sure, this is tame compared to usenet, but I'm not reading usenet because I
> prefer to stay away from the flaming.
That's just it, though, I rarely flame. Yeah, I'm rough in what I say but
you sit back and read it for what it is, it isn't a flame. To me a flame is
"You mother wear combat boots and your father smelt of elderberries!" Stating
that an opinion born if ignorance is not a flame and anyone who considers it
so really needs to get out more often.
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls.