Cannot Open Attachment

Brian Morrison
Tue, 23 Nov 1999 17:35:23

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 11:17:27 -0600 (CST), S Zaveloff wrote:

>I am using PMMAIL/2 2.1. This morning I received an e-mail and the
>"attachment" column shows that there is an attachment. In addition,
>the message mentions the attachment. However, when I open the
>message, there is no attachment there--not even the attachment
>window. Does anyone have an idea about what is going on?

Try using the View Full Message option and look at the message body to
see if there is a block of MIME encoded data.

If not, there is not attachment.

Brian Morrison                        
              do you know how far this has gone?
               just how damaged have I become?
                                      'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails