Mail store and forward gateway setup

Dave Liquorice
Fri, 26 Nov 1999 21:07:57 +0000 (GMT)

On Fri, 26 Nov 1999 13:01:07 +0100 (MET), Joachim F. Selinger wrote:

> Does anyone know how to accomplish this on OS/2?

This is what I do, though to be honest it's mostly local to the machine 
running sendmail but I don't see that sending mail from my Linux box 
would be any different it should end up in the Sendmail on this OS/2 box 
and end up queued awaiting a net connection and the issue of "sendmail 

> I tried sendmail 8.x.x but it always does nslookups when doing 
> anything even when started with -ODeliveryMode=d meaning defered mode.

Have you a local DNS? My OS/2 box doesn't have access to a local DNS and 
thus only uses the HOSTS file.

> The easisiest way would be a pointer on how to configure sendmail
> correctly

Sendmail config does seem to be a bit of a black art with knobs on. My 
configs are based on ones provided with mail stuff in various forms from 
people on my ISP. I also use IBM Sendmail v2.02 on Warp 3. (Yes I know 
it's ancient but if it ain't broke don't fix it.)

I could attach my config in private e-mail if you so desire?
