Another suggestion for next release

Alexander Sarras
Fri, 08 Oct 1999 21:15:12 +0100 (MEZ)

On Wed, 29 Sep 1999 08:39:35 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

> Wednesday, September 29, 1999, 8:31:23 AM, Paul wrote:
> > Wasn't hard to work out really:
> >> Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.4.10...
>     *sputter* Pine!?!?!  Pine!?!?!  Uhm.... yeah, of course its IMAP support
> is going to be great...  It is programmed by the same guys who developed IMAP.
> But..  uhhhh, Pine is nowhere near the level of PMMail in many, *MANY* areas.
> No overview of all the accounts/folders so you know where mail is at any given
> moment, AFAIK no multiple outbound SMTP servers, no decent multi-account
> support to speak of at all.  For people using a single account, yeah, it is
> ok, I guess.  But get into more than one account and it is just like all the
> other clients for the unix world, utterly and completely lacking.

Look's like you got my point... ;->
--  |      * Trouble * IS my middle name!
                                                                    |            The TroubleShooter