The 5th PMMail 'Money Talks' Release-the-Damn-Updates-Already Tally Sheet
Anders Gjerløv
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 15:44:57 +0200
>But Stardock will probably dump all OS/2 development once they've
>shipped the final bug fixes for OD 2 and any other OS/2 stuff that's in
>the works.
And how much more work is there to do in PMMail (the versions that we
don't have). I think that PMMail is somewhere between 90 and 93% of
what I want (and will be willing to pay for). As I understand it, the
yet-to-be-released versions would place it around 96-97% (for me), and
I doubt it will ever get much higher. Any improvement from then on,
would be a tradeoff on the existing version IMHO. The need to work
heavily on any of the versions from then on, would not be a great task
- but there must be _somebody_ to make bugfixes. If Southsoft can't
find the time for it, then the program will die (although not for a
considerable amount of months or years).
>Brad keeps saying that OS/2 doesn't pay them and that he can't justify
>spending any money on it. They are only shipping a few fixes now
>because they said they would some time ago.
>But keep hoping.....
I'm not really hoping anymore. I'm waiting. Waiting for the right time
to move to "X" (not meant as Unix/Linux or such - more like the
operating system that I need, but still isn't there yet. . . sigh)
Until then - the combination OS/2+Win95 does what I need.