Money Talks?

Ralph Cohen
Mon, 11 Oct 1999 22:42:18 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 11 Oct 1999 21:32:47 -0500 (CDT), Hazen Woods wrote:

>I have read bits and pieces of the mail on this subject.  Someone early on
>suggested that this campaign was sort of like subscribing to Software Choice.
> Well I hope not.  I subscribed and paid $200 plus in hopes of a new OS.   I
>have never gotten anything for that "contribution".  Even before that I
>subscribed to two years worth of IBM AntiVIrus.  At that time IBM was issuing
>updated revisions roughly every three months (not just the new signatures
>that are being  issued. So I paid $125 plus and guess what?  IBM sold out to
>Symantec.  So up til now its close to $350 with nothing to show for it.
>I think the PMMail update should have been brought out by now.  But be that
>as it may, please put me down for a $40 pledge and we'll see what happens. :)

Thanks, Hazen.  I've been down some of the same dead-ends as you have
so I understand your concerns.  Thanks for taking another chance.  I
hope we will all be pleased with the results.
