What's in it for BSW?
Ralph Cohen
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 11:04:20 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 20 Oct 1999 15:39:24 +0100, David Gaskill wrote:
>If everybody on this list was prepared to pay 40 dollars for a new version
>of PMMail it wouldn't pay for the development
I have been led to believe that this list of 210 users represents only
a small fraction of the total number of PMMail users/licenses in
existance. So, maybe if there were 2,000-3,000 or more users at 40
dollars a head then the equation would be more favorable for further
development. I suspect, however, that the exact number of existing
licensed is exactly the kind of information that BSW would consider
proprietary and not disclose to us but certainly would have had to know
before purchasing PMMail.
Ralph Cohen