Any Questions about or Suggestions for the next release?
Brian Morrison
Wed, 01 Sep 1999 16:42:17 +0100
On Wed, 01 Sep 1999 11:31:48 -0500, Alan Neustadtl wrote:
> I would also like a way to sort the address book. Each book is
>listed in the order it was created.
There is a utility called pmmasort which can be found by going through
the utilities page at the Southsoft web site. Every so often, I run it
to clean up my address books. If you wanted, you could do this as part
of a batch file when starting the system, or just PMMail.
Brian Morrison
'The village populace is jumpin' on faces, catchin' the javelin,
Headin' the shot.' [FX: wet thud - "Oooo.."]