"redraw" crash
Thu, 02 Sep 99 08:28:26 -0500
Brian Morrison wrote:
>On Wed, 01 Sep 99 07:23:50 -0500, Ray wrote:
>>BUG: the redraw crashes OS/2 when switching to a
>>"compose new message" window. (This has persisted
>>across three video cards and as many motherboards,
>>maybe it's a threading issue?)
>Can you describe this a bit more carefully? Redraw of what exactly, I
>don't recall any such crashes myself, but maybe I'm looking at the
>wrong thing.
Often I'm composing in another window (usually
Xywrite) and I'll switch back to a "Compose New
Message" window with Alt-Tab -- if I do it too
"quickly" the switch seems to hang for a moment, and
not only won't I get back to Pmmail/2 (actually it
seems to happen with the main PMMail window as well)
but my system will freeze up utterly -- usually the
mouse disappears. It looks as tho PMM has the focus
but can't redraw itself on the screen; moreover when I
do the three-finger to reboot, strangely, the last
thing to happen before the "The system is rebooting"
thing shows up is that the window will appear.
I guess it's possible it's just me, but I had a
feeling from Bob and Ikon that it wasn't. It's been
worse with other releases (am on 1.95a now) including,
as I recall, whichever version of 2 I was using. I've
never had this particular problem with any other
application -- not even Netscape/2 at its worst
(though it certainly caused its share of woes; the
latest fix has improved things vastly). Now I'm using
a Matrox Mystique; before I was using a cheapo
Trident, and before that was on a generic VGA whose
mfr I can't remember.
If no one else has experienced this I'll just hold my
tongue and look forward to the new release.
-Ray Tennenbaum