Death Knell for OS/2 Client

David Gaskill
Mon, 20 Sep 1999 00:22:45 +0100

On Sun, 19 Sep 1999 15:33:01 -0700, Jay Gibberman wrote:

>According to me Tim Sipples and Steven King need
>to talk and get their story straight. I report what I heard.

It is not unusual for IBM to speak with at least two voices. Some 
might remember the confusion concerning whether or not there 
would be and OS/2 version of IBM's extremely successful voice 
recognition application, ViaVoice. There was some fairly public 
infighting at IBM. 

I have to confess that I find this failure to provide a monolithic 
public image by the world's largest software company to be rather 

It seems to me that the key question, which was raised earlier in 
this discussion, is what is in it for IBM? 

I suspect the answer is nothing but the risk that the third-party 
developer will screw it up or fail to provide adequate support and 
IBM will fear this will reflect on them - OS/2=IBM ...
