SMTP Not Working
Steve Lamb
Fri, 24 Sep 1999 11:10:08 -0700
Friday, September 24, 1999, 10:51:04 AM, Nuclear wrote:
> There are apparently 2 solutions:
=>> Use another SMTP server, (i.e. the one from my ISP)
> I have concerns about this, specifically privacy and monitoring. PGP
> is not an option, because the other end may not have it, I'm not always
> dealing with computer-savvy people. Can the SMTP server monitor who and
> what I send out?
Who, yes. What, not easily, but it is possible. OTOH, here are the stats
for the past 10 days on my system:
Exim statistics from 1999-09-14 07:36:06 to 1999-09-24 11:02:49
Grand total summary
At least one address
TOTAL Volume Messages Hosts Delayed Failed
Received 12MB 4687 182 126 2.7% 8 0.2%
Delivered 58MB 24088 344
As you can see, my system passes a fair amount of messages and all this
represents is my personal mail, the PMMail mailing list and one other small
mailing list that is rarely used. I can gather statistical data on who sent
what to whom from my logs, but unless I want to have a nice HD stash around
somewhere compiling the *what* is harder. In 10 days my system moved 70Mb of
data in and out in just mail. 7Mb a day. Mail systems at ISPs which are
serving thousands upon thousands of users move Gb of mail in a day.
Basically, you get lost in the noise. It is possible, I just don't see anyone
doing it without a strong reason.
=>> Implement my own SMTP server. From what I gather, this is possible with
> "sendmail". Fortunately, I am still happily running that dead OS, OS/2,
> which comes with sendmail. How do I configure PMMail/2 and/or sendmail to
> talk with each other?
Uhm, I'm not sure but what I can tell you is that the sendmail in OS/2 is
not *THE* sendmail. IE, it isn't the sendmail that most variants of unix come
with. It is an IBM hack (I am being kind) that has the same name and might
provide a bare functionality of the real sendmail.
Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
ICQ: 5107343 | main connection to the switchboard of souls.