color of outbox folder

Trevor Smith
Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:19:26 -0300 (ADT)

On Sun, 09 Apr 2000 23:03:02 -0700 (PDT), Steve Wendt wrote:

>It's really quite simple.  I download my mail, then go offline.  I read my 
>mail, and make some responses.  The outgoing mail goes to the outbox, which 
>turns red as soon as the first message goes into it.  If I then change my mind 
>about sending one of the messages, and delete it, then the color of the outbox 
>turns back to yellow, although there are other messages waiting to be sent in it.
>If I add another outgoing message, it properly turns back to red.  The color of 
>the folder does not affect the program's knowledge that there is outgoing mail; it 
>still gets sent upon reconnect (Send After Fetch is checked).

This is something it will be difficult for me to test. I don't have a
dial up so it is complicated for me to "go offline". I tested this by
unchecking the "send immediately" button. Maybe the problem is
related to attempting to send immediately (button is checked) but not
being able to because there is no 'net connection.

Can you uncheck the "send immediately" button, leave your machine
online and try queueing multiple messages, then deleting one or more
to see if the behaviour recurs?

 Trevor Smith          |
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