Have they given up?

David Gaskill pmmail@rpglink.com
Wed, 12 Apr 2000 23:43:04 +0100

I refer to the current owners of PMMail. 

If they had it wouldn't surprise me . I have been quite unable to figure 
out why they bought PMMail in the first place. The vast majorities of 
users are running the OS/2 version and the opportunities for sales to 
this platform must be at best extremely limited. I have never come 
across anybody using any version of Windows that has had even 
heard of PMMail. 

I know that most of those on this mailing list consider both html e-mail 
and Microsoft to be inventions of the devil but be this as it may both 
are very important to anybody trying to sell a mail client. 

I recently posted that certain, albeit corrupt,  manifestations of html e-
mail cause PMMail to crash. I can understand that members of this 
mailing list weren't very interested because most won't read e-mail in 
this format but I thought that the owners of the application might be. 
The already very slim sales potential of PMMail would suffer further 
damage if a rapidly growing, (albeit incredibly evil), type of e-mail can 
cause the application to fall over. 

The lack of response from the current owners to anything posted on 
this mailing list leads me to suspect that they are starting to rue the 
day when they purchased PMMail and as far as any enhancements 
or bug fixes are concerned they have resolved not to throw good 
money after bad.
