Have they given up?

Trevor Smith pmmail@rpglink.com
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 00:15:35 -0300 (ADT)

On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 23:43:04 +0100, David Gaskill wrote:

>The lack of response from the current owners to anything posted on 
>this mailing list leads me to suspect that they are starting to rue the 
>day when they purchased PMMail and as far as any enhancements 

Both Jimmy and I have received and tested the email in question. Both
of us can confirm the bug. We have reported it to the developer.
There's nothing else we can do at this point. We just don't have a
solution yet. (It has only been a day!) Sorry.

 Trevor Smith          |          trevor@haligonian.com
 PGP public key available at: www.haligonian.com/trevor

PGP Public Key Fingerprint= A68C C4EC C163 5C0A 6CFA  671F 05D4 0B30 318B AFD6