Have they given up?

Trevor Smith pmmail@rpglink.com
Thu, 13 Apr 2000 13:35:35 -0300 (ADT)

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 17:27:03 +0100, Brian Morrison wrote:

>Now that reply really worries me Trevor. Giving false expectations
>implies that BSW will do less than we have been discussing...
>Did BSW buy PMMail just for the Win32 version? I hope not.

:-) No, I meant the opposite. Suppose I say, "Yes! I think there will
be a new release of PMMail/2 and PMMail 2000 by 3:00pm today!" Then,
if we fail to release both products by 3:00pm today, everyone will be

(For the record, I do *not* think there will be a new release of
PMMail/2 and PMMail 2000 by 3:00pm today.)

Even if I were the developer, it's impossible to make 100% accurate
predictions in software development. I am not the developer so I
don't even have his accuracy in making predictions so I will refrain.

 Trevor Smith          |          trevor@haligonian.com
 PGP public key available at: www.haligonian.com/trevor

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