HTML Email Revisited
John Angelico
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 11:06:08 +0900 (EST)
On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 06:28:13 -0700 (PDT), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:
>On Wed, 12 Apr 2000 19:44:02 +0200 (CED), Alexander Sarras wrote:
>>Just ty to make sure _you're_ writing standards conformant pages. Let the
>>customers complain. Ask them what they'd say to a car with 5 reverse and 1
>>forward gear, no windshield and automatic brake failer as soon as you
>>exceed 1mph? The only weapon left is using strict conformal html.
>Most customers (due to Microsoft marketing practices) buy a computer with
>Microsoft o/s and apps installed. They never see alternatives. As a
>result, there won't be complaints because these customers think that is
>the way computers operate. If you have no concept of anything else, you
>would accept 'a car with 5 reverse and 1 forward gear, no windshield and
>automatic brake failer (failure) as soon as you exceed 1mph'. Then again,
>there are those who don't want to choose. They just want a computer that
>functions. The average customer is not educated enough to make an informed
>choice and demand that the superior products be supported.
And you will notice that MS has redefined the term "A computer that functions" - so they are into corrupting the
language - as well as software. :)
Best regards
John Angelico
Melbourne PC User Group Inc.
Email: or
PMTagline v1.50 - Copyright, 1996-1997, Stephen Berg and John Angelico
... Having another excellent OS/2 Warp day.