Have they given up?
Marty Abrego
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 01:31:49 -0800
On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 11:38:47 -0400, Michael Baum wrote:
>>Of course, Netscape came from... crap, NCSA? I can't remember the name.
>National Center for Supercomputing Applications, as I recall. If memory serves they released what was probably the first widely used web browser. I think it may even have been open-source.
It was called "Mosaic" --- hence the moniker "Mozilla" (Mosaic
killer). I remember running pre-v1.0 betas...
Marty Abrego (o o) "Anarchy does not imply mayhem."
photon@qnet.com - Mr. Realtime