Have they given up?

Kris Sorem Sr pmmail@rpglink.com
Fri, 14 Apr 2000 07:40:03 -0700 (PDT)

On Thu, 13 Apr 2000 09:12:37 -0700, Steve wrote:

>   Bug-fixes in a pay-for format.  Bug fixes, pay.  Hmmm.
Win95 --> Win98 -->Win2000. Talk about pay-for bug fixes. At least, IBM
calls a bug fix a bug fix.

>    It's customers being large banks and corporations, not the desktop market.
>The desktop market is piss in the cup to Lou Gerstner and IBM and the do /NOT/
>support it at all.

Well, if IBM didn't need to face a coercive penalty to do so (royalties -
limited restricted copyright) and suppliers didn't pay for products they
don't install then maybe it would be different.
/s/~Kris <norseman@humboldt1.com>