Have they given up?
Alexander Sarras
Mon, 17 Apr 2000 19:02:51 +0200 (CED)
On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 12:25:18 -0500, Ken Diehl wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Apr 2000 07:50:29 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:
> > Meanwhile I, next table over, open my Palm, start PocketQuicken, hit
> >accounts. Hmmm, bank account won't handle it, Visa is cutting it close, new
> >Mastercard is looking good. Look at the bill, flip over to the calculator,
> >figure tip into the bill, flip back to PocketQuicken, place card in the little
> >holder for the Kelly Bundy clone of a Waitress to take back to the register,
> >fill in the info, get slip, sign it, enter transaction, turn off Palm and
> >laugh at you on my way out as your first card is declined.
> >
> I must admit that I have a lot of admiration for you if you keep up
> with *every* credit transaction such that you could rely on such a
> device. You must not be married. :)
Supposedly the wife left, 'cause she felt she couldn't compete with the new
Dr. Alexander Sarras | * Trouble * IS my middle name!
www.sarras.at mail@sarras.at | The TroubleShooter