[pmmail-list] leave msgs on server causes pmmail/2000 confusion

Jonas T Larsson pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 21:03:44 +0100

On Thu, 21 Dec 2000 08:29:46 -0600, Scott E. Garfinkle wrote:

>I usually leave my PM client at work to delete the mail and the win clients at home set to
>"leave messages on server." It seems like if there are more than 50 or 60 (64?) messages
>on the server, the win client goes berserk and downloads the same message over and over again.

This happens once in a while with PMMail and the fix for me has been to
temporarily switch off "quick interrogation" do a fetch and then switch
it on again. This happens intermittently over here (maybe once every
three months) and I usually have somewhere between 10 and 200 mails in
the inbox (often passes the 64 border w/o problems).

// Jonas
Jonas Larsson    ((    01000100 01101111 01101110 01110100
Tornavägen 19:131  ))  01110000 01100001 01101110 01101001 01100011 00100001
223 63 Lund         ((          __QQ            __QQ            __QQ
+46 46 139924         ))     --(_)_">        --(_)_">        --(_)_">