odd behavior
Alexander Sarras
Fri, 28 Jan 2000 18:15:14 +0100 (MEZ)
On Fri, 28 Jan 2000 08:32:20 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Friday, January 28, 2000, 5:36:02 AM, Ken wrote:
> > email note that had a large pdf attachment, about 800 Mb. As pmmail
> 800Mb? I hope that is a typo.
Reminds me of that old questions: What's the fastest way to get 10GB of
Daten from L.A. to Atlanta? - UPS!
Could be similar here? Ever considered putting that on a CD and simply
mailing it?
Alexander.Sarras@ap.univie.ac.at | * Trouble * IS my middle name!
| The TroubleShooter