odd behavior
Chris Adams
Sun, 30 Jan 2000 16:39:03 -0800
>On Fri, Jan 28, 2000 at 06:15:14PM +0100, Alexander Sarras wrote:
>> Reminds me of that old questions: What's the fastest way to get 10GB of
>> Daten from L.A. to Atlanta? - UPS!
> Depends. What's the speed of the individuals on either side? If you have
>25k of bandwidth (medium priced cable connection these days) and a decent FTP
>client (lftp, leechftp, etc) the fastest way is actuall to start an FTP. At
>25k you can get 10Gb in just under 1 night. :)
It's an old joke, along with "Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station-
wagon full of magtape". These days it'd be more like 10TB.