Bruce Francis
Tue, 04 Jul 2000 09:36:47 -0400 (EDT)
On Tue, 04 Jul 2000 14:21:38 +0100, David Gaskill wrote:
>them. No problems arise as long as I continue to pay my current
>ISP the substantial annual fee but if I close my account I shall lose
>the e-mail address which is known to all my clients and friends.
>Is there any way round this problem?
Doesn't really solve your problem _now_, but it might have if
you had done this before you printed the business cards, etc ....
and in my opinion you really ought to do this at some point anyway,
so sooner is usually better than later:
Find an email forwarding service and subscribe. I use
(which costs some small amount of money per year), but
(part of does this for free, as do several others. Get yourself
a _permanent_ email address, such as
(haven't checked to see if this is available), and print this on your
business cards, trade with friends, subscribe to email lists such as this
with it. Set up the address to forward all of the email
to your current ISP account. If later you decide to change ISP, all
you have to do is change the forwarding pointer to your new ISP and
you're instantly switched over. No "unsubscribe", "subscribe", no
announcing your new email list to your whole address book, .....
Bruce Francis
For PGP Public key: email with Subject "BFrancis Public Key"