
David Gaskill
Wed, 14 Jun 2000 23:16:04 +0100

On Wed, 14 Jun 2000 11:12:26 -0700, Steve Lamb wrote:

>    Are they working on the code?  If so, what areas are they working in?
>What problems have they had?  Have they fixed any bugs?  If so, what?  Have
>they added any features?  If so, what?  What feature/bug fixes do they have
>planned for the next version?  How far on they to that goal? 

I don't see why they would be doing any of these things in which case their best 
course of action would be to do exactly what they are doing - say nothing. 

The ultimate reason for developing any bit of software is to make some money out 
of it. There seems to be precious little prospect of doing that with any of the 
versions of PMMail so why spend any time on it?
