David Gaskill
Thu, 15 Jun 2000 16:13:09 +0100
On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 14:13:15 +0100 (BST), Simon Bowring wrote:
>On Thu, 15 Jun 2000 00:56:37 -0700, Chris Adams wrote:
>>I'm a bit curios - what would you improve?
>Excluding the miscellaneous bugs that exist and in no particular order...
As a programmer how many hours would you estimate estimate would be
necessary to implement your suggestions?
If we then assume the rate for a suitable programmer, including on costs , of
( wild guess - $200 an hour), it would then be possible to calculate the
number of licences that BSW would have to sell to recover the investment.
Of course these new licensees would need to be OS/2 users who didn't
currently use PMMail.
Alternatively if every member of this mailing list bought half-a-dozen updates
at say $100 a throw would that make a significant contribution towards the