Redux: HTML mail crashes PMMail/2

Bruce Francis
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:06:48 -0400 (EDT)

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000 12:30:03 -0300 (ADT), Trevor Smith wrote:

>Personally (read: not speaking for BSW), I have never understood why
>anyone would want the preview pane. The fact that it is there shows
>that some people do, I guess, but not me. I have always turned it
>off. It's not big enough to read a full message so I still have to
>open them to read them. It takes up space in my message list so it's
>annoying that way. And it is *extremely* rare (probably 1 in 1,000
>messages) that I see a message I think I want to read which turns out
>to be junk. Usually I can tell spam within a half second of seeing
>the Subject: or From: address.

I'm running with 1280x1024 screen resolution on a 19" monitor.
I have the preview pane setup so that I can see the first several lines
of a msg, trying to balance the space it consumes from the message
list vs. having a large enough size to preview (as you pointed out).
With this I can quickly go thru some of the email lists that I read
weekly which have a lot of quantity, and dispose en-mass those
I don't want to spend time on the detail.   [However, as others have
pointed out PGP processing can often slow down this "quick"

Having read others' responses, I may try expanding the window 
such that I can do all my reading in the Preview Pane.

Looks like your query, Trevor, might end up with me _enlarging_
the preview window, and using it _more_ than I do now, rather
than the opposite (intended?).....   ;-)

Bruce Francis    
 For PGP Public key:  email with Subject "BFrancis Public Key"