Chinese Laundry
Fri, 16 Jun 2000 23:16:38 -0700 (PDT)
>The DOS version of NJStar (version 2.1 or thereabouts) also runs fine
>in full-screen mode under OS/2.
Hmm...but under full-screen DOS session, it won't translate anything
you view under PMMail or any PM app.
>>(or someone who can read Japanese Kanji).
>Knowing Japanese kanji isn't enough to read Chinese, any more than
>knowing the English alphabet is enough to read Swahili. Believe me.
Well, not quite the same, but almost. Kanji (unless my terminology is
off, this does not refer to the "newer" Japanese script which is used
everyday) is just Japanese for HanZi, which is the Chinese words. It
uses exactly the same characters (e.g. "words") and has the same
meanings. It'll translate to English just fine, with almost full
preservation of the original meaning.
But now we're floating off topic again....
To get back on track, Any idea if PMMail can be "DBCS enabled"? Or is
this too much to ask for? I can deal with no HTML, but I'm increasingly
getting more e-mail for which the standard "western" alphabet won't