Filtering to new account

Steven Tryon
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 10:28:07 -0400 (EDT)

My way of handling that was to subscribe to the mailing list from a
dedicated account.  Not possible in every case, but worked well for me.
 (At the time the mail on that list often showed the original sender's
address, making it remarkably difficult to filter.)


On Mon, 19 Jun 2000 08:18:23 -0600, Mark Paulus wrote:

>I want to set up a filter that will move the mail I receive 
>under this filter to a whole new account.  I subscribe
>to a couple of very active mail lists, and I want these
>messages to go to a separate account that has either a 
>shorter delete time, or maybe even uses true deletes.  
Steven Tryon                        285 Shaftsbury Road                Rochester, NY 14610
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