Ralph Cohen
Thu, 09 Mar 2000 13:58:21 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 02 Mar 2000 12:11:08 -0500, Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr. wrote:
>I am sorry what I told you about the timeline was wrong.
>After a bit of discussion on the users and my disappointment regarding
>the delay of the timeline and further announcements (I showed messages
>from this various lists, message boards, and ones received by email). I am
>now told that I timeline will be ready at the beginning of next week.
>The new development team announcement should be made at this time well.
>The deal has been made, I am just waiting for the OK of a press release.
Hi Jimmy,
Now that Steve has stopped bouncing all the mail to this list<g>, will
you be posting the timeline mentioned above?