"Cannot resolve SMTP host name"
Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:24:42 -0500 (EST)
On Mon, 13 Mar 2000 15:33:20 -0100, Joachim Benjamins wrote:
>> Hmmmm...I've never experienced that particular bug myself. I'm
>>not saying it doesn't exist, just that I've never seen nor heard of it
>>before now.
>I'll have to agree here. Never seen it, and i've used PMMail since <
>1.0 release on several OS/2 machines, either directly connected,
>through firewalls or via dial-up.
>Perhaps your resolv files aren't correctly configured?
Another thing that could cause such a problem is an outdated entry
in a 'hosts' file. This is something I have experienced. Your ISP
changes the IP address for their SMTP server and now you can't connect.
If you're using a 'hosts' file entry for the SMTP server I'd suggest
running 'nslookup' and checking the result against what's entered in
the 'hosts' file.
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