Trevor Smith
Sat, 18 Mar 2000 12:25:16 -0400 (AST)

On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:19:58 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:

>    Ah, ok.  Give me a good Linux system any day of the week.  RTC set to GMT,
>the system as a whole is set and all programs just use the time call.  :)

Hear, hear!

For those OS/2 users on this list, there is a way to get *some* parts
of your system working "properly": use Jonathan de Boyne Pollard's
"OS/2 Command Line Utilities" (OS/2 CLU) and get on the beta list and
use his "32-bit Command interpreter replacement for OS/2".

This combination will at least allow you to set your RTC properly
(i.e. to universal time) and have his 32-bit TIME.EXE and DATE.EXE
properly apply your TZ setting to the RTC to calculate and display
local time.

Unfortunately though, this means most other OS/2 programs (such as
OD's control center) will display universal time (since they "forget"
to apply the TZ setting to it) instead of local time.

 Trevor Smith          |
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