Simon Bowring
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 09:42:20 +0000 (GMT)
On Fri, 17 Mar 2000 08:19:58 -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Ah, ok. Give me a good Linux system any day of the week. RTC set to GMT,
>the system as a whole is set and all programs just use the time call. :)
That's all very well until you start wanting multiple boot with Linux and
any DOS dervied OS like Windows or OS/2 - it would be a nightmare if
Windows or OS/2 thought the RTC time was local and Linux thought
it was GMT (unless you happen to be in GMT).
Since a great many Linux PC users do host another OS on the same machine,
I believe Linux has "joined the PC OS fold" with respect to the time and date.
i.e. it also expects the RTC to be set to local time and uses TZ to correct
back to UTC/GMT.
However, I believe Linux is still able to work in the "more correct",
traditional Unix UTC/GMT mode you describe, but I'm not sure its
the default mode of operation anymore!