Trevor Smith
Mon, 20 Mar 2000 10:40:37 -0400 (AST)
On Mon, 20 Mar 2000 09:42:20 +0000 (GMT), Simon Bowring wrote:
>Since a great many Linux PC users do host another OS on the same machine,
>I believe Linux has "joined the PC OS fold" with respect to the time and date.
>i.e. it also expects the RTC to be set to local time and uses TZ to correct
>back to UTC/GMT.
Let's not any of us fall into the trap of making generic claims we
really have no evidence for. I can easily imagine a situation where
home linux users do indeed give up and make the sacrifice you
mention. But me imagining it is common doesn't make it common. More
importantly that vast majority of linux machines, if you believe the
computer magazines, are NOT home users but, instead, servers and
other business machines. I would imagine most of the linux hackers
that run these machines -- as only linux machines, not dual boot
machines -- leave them working the "proper" internetworked way.
But like I said, I don't have proof of any of the above so I won't
say (even though I would guess that it's true) that most linux
distributions have not "joined the PC OS fold". I suspect most
distributions still imagine their users will be using the unix
convention of a UT RTC.
Trevor Smith |
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