Life after PMMail
xavier caballe
Mon, 27 Mar 2000 12:17:49 +0200
>Then it behaves correctly! Since HTML is a most inappropriate format
>for "rich text" emails, for which there are <importantly>no internationally
>agreed standards</importanly>. HTML is *not* a document formatting
>standard, it's a hypertext formatting standard. HTML is a most unsuitable
>horse for for use in a rich text course!
I agree with you... but unfortunately the world uses a different standard and HTML is used as email formatting standard.
This is a fact, and I am not in a position to change this...
>If your really want "rich text", use a word processor agreed with
>the party you are emailing and send the document attached (then it
>stands a chance of looking the same the other end).
>If you want to create and send web pages, use an HTML editor and send
>the message as attachments.
Again, I agree with you... but there are some backdraws --from my boss point of view...<g>--:
-If you have to compose a bulletin that must be send to a big audience, you have no chance to find a common word
processor format for them. Even when you have no direct relation with the people you are addresing your message. PDF is a
good candidate, but Acrobat Reader is not an universal solution...
-The option to send an HTML file attached to a message is not good enough... there are many people out there that don't
know how to open an attached file!
-Almost everybody is using HTML to send formated messages... there are a lot of magazines and news services that
currently are using HTML.
So, even if I don't like to send HTML messages, sometimes I'm forced to send them.
>The twats from Netscape and Microsoft don't understand this, neither
>will half the people respnding to this. HTML email is yet another
>triumph of the form-over-function brigade of ignorant tossers.
As I said before, even if we agree with that... the real fact is that the vast majority think something different. Maybe we
are right, but we have to accomodate to the majority... otherwise, we'll be wrong.
My Name is Raincheck and I need a shot of Rhythm'n'Blues!!!
When you hear that engine drone, I'm on the road again and I'm searching for the philosophers stone