Crash in PMMail

Trevor Smith
Wed, 29 Mar 2000 14:18:24 -0400 (AST)

On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 12:28:02 -0500 (EST), Jim Hruska wrote:

>The problem is that if I open a message in a folder, then go back to
>the main PMMail window and change folders, then go back to the message
>and click the "Delete and next" or "Delete and previous" button (the
>red up and down arrows), it crashes pmmail (as long as I'm not back in
>the same folder).  The last version of PMMail would delete the open
>message, and not open a new one... but now it crashes.

Unfortunately, I was also getting this crash regularly at one time,
but now it no longer happens. I'mnot sure why.

I am running v2.10.2010 but I do not think that is why it works now
(I believe it started working properly before I upgraded to

Still, you can try upgrading and see if that helps.

 Trevor Smith          |
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