don't like HTML email? here's your fix.

Dr. Jeffrey Race
Thu, 30 Mar 00 08:50:36 -0500

On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 04:43:55 +0300, Cristian Secara wrote:
>I find more efficient to accept a (theoretical) increase of the
>connection costs, keep almost all messages (including an increasing
>HTML e-mail collection), ignore the technical underground *and* find
>something *useful* in less than 10% from the overall messages. I have
>to give something in exchange for a useful info, do I ?

This is one approach to life, but there is another viz. to leave the
world a better place than we found it.   If you find people dropping
trash on the public streets you can ignore it, or you can do something
gentle and constructive to fix the problem.  A polite note to the
offenders would help the world and HELP THEM (e.g. to understand the
consequences of their actions, which is always a good thing!). 

That is also something useful in exchange for the info you get.

Jeffrey Race