HTML email

Alexander Sarras
Fri, 12 May 2000 16:32:16 +0200 (CED)

On Fri, 12 May 2000 14:57:24 +0100 (BST), Simon Bowring wrote:

> >Here is another example of the benefits of using HTML email <g>
> and here's another (posted to our internal newsgroups today):
> >I have just received an email with an HTML attachment,
> >called magicfortune.html, which contains a java script
> >program.  I have the preview pane open, so the the
> >java script program ran automatically.
> >
> >Luckily, the program was harmless, but I assume java
> >script has the same sort of destructive powers as VB
> >script (although I am not sure about this), so it could
> >have done some harm.
> Indeed it could - luckily the author of the luvbug didn't
> use this technique too - it would have spread very much 
> faster.
Shhhh! Someone might get ideas....
       Dr. Alexander Sarras         |     * Trouble * IS my middle name!  |           The TroubleShooter