OS/2 RichEdit Control
Larry Ebbitt
Thu, 02 Nov 2000 19:09:38 -0500 (EST)
On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 09:14:32 -0400 (EDT), Gregory L. Marx wrote:
>On Sat, 28 Oct 2000 05:20:58 -0400 (EDT), Larry Ebbitt wrote:
>>If you do find such a control, please make it's use an installation
>>option. I don't want it, I don't want it wasting my CPU cycles, and
>>I don't want it wasting space on my hard disk. HTML is for the web!
>Think about it ... SS is going to be selling a NEW OS/2 based operating system called eCS ... For every new sale of eCS into the corporate world,
>and to the individual user there's a potential new customer for other OS/2 software ... and IMO PMMail2000 is the best emailer out there for
>OS/2 users ...
I have not seen anything about eCS that looks like a new operating system.
these tired eyes it looks like the same old system with some packaging help
and some ethereal promises of continued support.
I thought PMMail2000 was for windos users.
>And guess what ??? Those new users will expect at least a semblance of HTML support in their email package ...
If they are ignorant enough to want HTML email, what is going to sell them
on eCS,
prettier icons?
>Besides, knowing how creative Peter is in developing software (just look at PMView for an example) I'm sure he'll make the choice for HTML
>mail an option which can be turned on/off ...
If you read my post, you'll see that that is what I was asking for.
>Also, if we want PMMail to have parity with it's Windows sibling we are going to have to accept that features might be added that we really
>don't need or want ... and personally I like the HTML support in the windows version of PMMail ...
If parity means bloating with useless eye-candy, more code, and longer
paths, the I'll pass
on parity.
>Let's rally around what Blueprint Software is trying to do rather than being devisive and selfish
It is not my habit to rally around things I oppose and think might be
harmful to me.
The only thing Blueprint could do that would make me turn handsprings, woul
be to make
available a Linux version of the current system with known bugs fixed. The
same applies to
PMView, one of the few other applications I miss in the Linux world.
HTML is for the web, which is already fully FUBAR.
Larry - Atlanta / OS/2
DISCLAIMER: In the case that I contradicted something else I said
in this or some other post, the verbiage that is correct will override
the incorrect verbiage and the incorrect verbiage will be void!