Dynamic change of Reply-to
Christian Bonkowski
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:39:57 +0100
I normaly have not much time to read this list. So I'm sorry, if this is a
Sometimes I have the problem, that I want to change the reply-to for just
one mail. This happens when mailing to a few mailinglists and just want to
get the replys to one list. The only way I found is to change the settings
befor start writing the mail and after this set it back to the original
reply-to. Is there an other easier and better way?
And just an other question. After I had to reinstall PMMail, I have
problems with the mailto: URLs in the Internet Explorer under Windows NT.
I have put PMMail as default mailer for the URL:MailToProtocol. It works
when I klick on the link. But just the adress is in the new mail. Subject
and Body is missing. So how must the call in the URL:MAilToProtocol looks
like? I think this works all right, befor I reinstall PMMail.
Thanx for any help,