Dynamic change of Reply-to
Don Morse
Fri, 17 Nov 2000 09:06:38 -0800 (PST)
On Fri, 17 Nov 2000 14:39:57 +0100, Christian Bonkowski wrote:
re:>Sometimes I have the problem, that I want to change the reply-to for just
re:>one mail. This happens when mailing to a few mailinglists and just want to
re:>get the replys to one list. The only way I found is to change the settings
re:>befor start writing the mail and after this set it back to the original
re:>reply-to. Is there an other easier and better way?
this is a great question..... I collect all my mail under one account and want to
reply to it as several different entities.... currently I have to copy the text to
quote, log to another profile and send the mail from there... rather cumbersome
but it works... Eudora will allow dynamically selecting the reply to address with
works great.. but I've already threatened the network employee that approached
my system with a Windows2000 CD in his hand... he kind of peers around corners
at me now.. :)
D Morse using OS/2 Warp 4, fp14,
ICQ # 245937
dmorse@pacificnet.net, www.blackpalace.com
Quote of the day: "If Bill Gates had a nickel
for every time Windows crashed....
Oh wait, he does."