Thomas Parkhill
Tue, 03 Oct 2000 21:06:24 -0300 (ADT)
Earlier, before the last message from Thomas, Ralph wrote:
>>Well, if you're using PMMail, then after looking at things over on
>>BSw's site I think you'll agree that this list is by and far the best
>>vehicle for getting support. The answers are here prompt and
>>knowledgeable - a hard combination to beat.
This is my experience, too. Although I'm usually quietly lurking, it
makes some sense for me to thank folks here who I was going to thank
off-list for some very specific help. Perhaps this will provide
concrete evidence for Ralph's generalities at a time when we might be
tempted to forget how much we help each other here (albeit in a pretty
rarified atmosphere betimes).
In mid August Ken Diehl wrote about a question about using the
$ag.groupname$ variable in a filter. He wanted to filter messages from
members of a class of his and couldn't get this variable to work.
There's no reason why you should remember this, unless, like me, you
had a similar use for such a filter. Joining the conversation were
Michael A. Yetto, Steve Martin, and Trevor Smith. Together, as I
eavesdropped on their conversation, they, along with Ken, figured out
how the variable works. I worked up my own filter using this variable
(and their archived discussion) just last week. Thanks to all these
list colleagues for their help!
We are generally a cranky bunch, there is no doubt. That's one of the
reasons I keep my head down. But there is also no doubt that the same
folks who crank the loudest are the same people who are pushing PMMail
to be an even better product than it is now. I have sensed their
increasing frustration over the last year or so, a frustration that
understandably boils into anger fairly frequently these days. I used
to think this list would be a better place if it were a bit cooler. I
don't think that any more. Yes it's raucous and bitter, but it's also
clever and engaged and -- this is important -- a damn helpful
community. No one can take that away.
[Well, Steve could pull the plug. But he won't. I'm sure of it.
Hell, we know what kind of _car_ he drives and when his birthday
Thom Parkhill.